Can you believe that carpets on the walls are coming back! And they look really nice in comparison to how they look/looked in Russia:) Mostly that’s carpets of Morocco style with different patterns and they look best in mid-century and boho style interiors.
What’s the point to hang the carpet on the wall? That’s a perfect interior decoration detail which provides the room with softness and cosiness, and it also absorbs the part of sounds, therefore, that’s a perfect way out for the rooms with echo! You don’t know which kind of picture to hang on the wall? Choose the carpet with patterns!
For which kind of rooms is this solution suitable?
The examples affirm that most usually the carpet on the wall is hung on the wall in a living room, more rarely – in a bedroom and even more rarely in other rooms. In a living room you’ll usually see it over a chest of drawers or vinyl records storage cabinets, and in a bedroom you’ll see it over a bed.
P.S. One woman encouraged me to collect the examples on this topic. That woman wrote me a request and asked me some advice and mentioned that she would like to hang the carpet on the wall. My attitude to this was sceptical at first but when I started looking for examples, my eyes opened! I cannot find your letter anymore, but you told me that you’re reading, therefore, I hope that you’ll find some ideas regarding the carpet on the wall!
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(3) · (4) · Reply · 2017 November 18
Evelina Aleliūnienė
Kaip siurbiam kilimą ant žemės, taip siurbti reiktų ir ant sienos. Jį juk galima nusiimti :)
O dėl to, ar baisu, ar gražu - kiekvieno skonio reikalas.
(5) · (0) · Reply · 2017 November 21