Amazing ideas how to improve your home by decorating your walls using frames, magazines, plates, drawings and even feathers!
2013 January 24
Amazing ideas how to improve your home by decorating your walls using frames, magazines, plates, drawings and even feathers!
2013 January 24
First mood board post which is full of Kate Moss, colors, furniture and other stuff to create a perfect combination!
2013 January 21
Colors – a wonderful thing which can change the world and each room to any mood you want. Don't be afraid of colors!
2013 January 20
Wishbone chair - one of the most popular scandinavian furniture ever. Find out more about this chair right here!
2013 January 18
Children‘s room interior – a difficult assignment although seems to be realizable from the first sight. But not here!
2013 January 16
Bathroom – one of the rooms requiring the hugest part of investments, but usually little attention is paid to it...
2013 January 14
Some great ideas how to use ladders at home! Promise, you'll find something beneficial!
2013 January 13
A lovely scandinavian style flat interior with children's room, cosy dining room and other rooms...
2012 December 28
Old-new principle which is going to be extremely popular in 2013. It's even likely to last for a longer time...
2012 December 21
Everyone of us has a wish to at least sometimes lie down on the bed and explore the sky after lifting up his eyes to the sky
2012 December 16
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