Corridor ideas

Corridor ideas which will show you that original, modern and vivid corridors still exsist!

2013 May 3


White floor beauty!

White floor - a solution, non-standard in Lithuania only because of its impracticality but you should see it and think again!

2013 April 27


Indoor swimming pool

Indoor swimming pool – sounds exciting? I have no doubt that yes, so press this picture and see where it brings your mind :)

2013 April 18


Modern interior design

Second interior project by Fertility Design which could definitely be called as modern interior!

2013 April 11


Bathroom interior

Second part of bathroom interiors - even 22 photos of modern bathrooms!

2013 April 8


Closet House - small spaces

Small apartment where space-saving furniture and solutions are used to create more space and modernity - The Closet House!

2013 April 4


Herringbone floor

Herringbone floor creates a unique image and mood, right? But how to take care of wooden floor? Read some advices here!

2013 April 2


Copper shade lamps

Copper shade lamps are not only nice to look at but they also reflect light so they are perfectly suitable for small spaces!

2013 March 29


Faliro loft interior

Faliro loft interior which contains office and living space too. Japanese spirit and modern solutions will fascinate you!

2013 March 18


Bedroom interior design

Bedroom interior ideas and some useful advices/rules how to make a bedroom more comfortable!

2013 March 13

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