Take a look at some really crazy furniture which look like animals or even human body parts! They look alive!
2014 December 10
Take a look at some really crazy furniture which look like animals or even human body parts! They look alive!
2014 December 10
I was collecting this gallery for a long long time... In my opinion, that‘s the best interiors of cafes and restaurants.
2014 November 26
Let's find out where to use plywood - a very durable and universal material, which by the way doesn't cost much!
2014 November 20
Dark colors at home is a very rare guest due to light absorption or sad mood, however, this interior is definitely different.
2014 November 18
Advent calendar is a very attractive and funny thing! A surprise or a gift everyday! 8 ideas special for you!
2014 November 16
Is it just a coincidence that fashion world and interior design world is so similar to each other or is it natural?
2014 November 13
Textures themselves in this apartment ineed surprises one: I think that it‘s possible to count even 8-9 different textures!
2014 November 3
Fireplace design becomes one of the most important parameters when buying a fireplace and this is absolutely very logical.
2014 October 28
I'm sure there's no one who can resist a beauty of red bricks in the kitchen, especially with white furniture...
2014 October 27
I suggest watching this gallery full of vinyl records storage ideas and some history about it.
2014 October 20
NET 84
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